New Club Attracts Gamers

   Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a fantasy, tabletop role-playing game set in a medieval world, is now a club at Southside. The Southside Dungeons & Dragons club meets every Thursday after school from 3:30 to 5 in room 2244.

   “Once a week. About once a week we get together. We get together for about an hour, an hour and a half. We just get everybody together, and we play games,” club founder Joseph Olson said. 

   Computer science teacher Jeffrey Rice sponsors the club. Students seeking more information about the club can email Rice at [email protected] or Olson at [email protected] 

   “There’s no official best way yet. The best way right now is to come to a meeting, talk to me, and I’ll put you on a table, or send me an email. We will have virtual, but you just got to talk to me first,” Joseph Olson said.  

   Schoology group code for the Southside Dungeons & Dragons club: JGJX-2Q6R-B94MX.