Shining New Light on an Old Play

AvaLyn Sexton

    Southside’s own Mav Theater is one of the biggest assets to student life around the school. Collaborating with Northside’s theater program, Southside’s student actors and actresses performed the classic musical Oklahoma last Friday and Saturday night, as well as Sunday afternoon. Students, staff, and families that attended the show have left more impressed with the program than ever. Throughout much time and effort, Mav Theater has prepared for this exciting show very well, and nobody is disappointed in how it has been showcased. 

     “The rehearsal process was really beautiful to watch. I was there from the very beginning, so I got to see how all of these people who didn’t know what they were doing signed up for, to see them put on a show at the very end,” Assistant Stage Manager Charlee Folmar said.

     The actors and actresses have made many memories within the time that they have spent working with each other. In order to prepare for the show, the cast has been willing to give up a large part of their free time. 

     “My favorite memory is definitely the one Saturday where we spent ten hours learning the biggest choreography of the whole show, and getting to do all of the lifts and stunts,” Josephine Clamser, playing the character “Ado Annie,” said. 

     Although many are amazed with how the show turned out, not everyone had much faith in the classic musical, worrying that it could be boring. However, Mav Theater proved all of these predictions to be false when the show seemed to end way too soon.

     “I think I liked proving people wrong because a lot of people look at Oklahoma as a really cheesy show. I’ll be completely honest, I walked in thinking that it would be pretty cheesy because it’s a show that’s been done forever. Getting to learn more about the show and how deep it is, or how we can connect it to today, was really interesting. I feel like a lot of newer shows don’t have that,” Folmar said. 

    Because of the fact that the show is an older play, it took time for the performers to connect with their characters from such a different time period. 

    “Connecting with my character, Laurie Williams, was probably the biggest challenge for me. I never really had a chance to do character development with her, so I kind of had to figure it out on my own,” lead actress Ellie Caruthers said.

     Despite any of the challenges that the cast of Oklahoma has faced over the past few months, Mav Theater’s collaboration with Northside’s theater program has been nothing short of an honorable experience and proud work for everyone that is involved.

     “My favorite part of the show was definitely hanging out with the people I love and growing more family here at Southside. The best part of Oklahoma is the way that it comes together at the end,” lead actor Cy Whitson said.

     Oklahoma has been not only a new and exciting experience for those involved in making it great but for each night’s audience as well. The show has left a lasting impression on the Mavericks, and many that watched have been buzzing with enthusiasm over the show and its success.