Maverick Volleyball Team Spikes Greenwood Bulldogs

Carsyn Lincks, Social Media Editor

On Sept. 3, volleyball played the Greenwood Bulldogs. The starters for the night were, Hannah Hogue, Avery Fitzgerald, Bailey Vega, Olivia Melton, Hailey Hall, Aleigha Johnson, and libero Kelsey Hamilton.

“We’ve had a really good season so far and Greenwood is one of our biggest rivals, so the win really helped us,” senior Kelsey Hamilton said.

With three sets back to back, the team pulled a successful win for the night. First set, with a win for Southside 25-15, followed another win of 27-17. Lastly, the team won with a score of 25-22, ending the game in a straight victory.

“I think collectively we played good. Greenwood is a great team and we pulled through and won. Very proud of what we have done so far and I can’t wait for the rest of the season,” sophomore Olivia Melton said.

Playing hard, the team showed the dedication and determination that they possess for this sport, with their coach Natalie Throneberry cheering them on. The student section showed their spirit for the Lady Mavs that night, filling the stands from head toe, showcasing the red, white, and blue of the Southside Mavs.

“Greenwood has always been team to play, and I thought we did a good job coming out focused,” junior Hannah Hogue said.