West Parking Lot Set to Lose More Spots

Carsyn Lincks, Social Media Editor

Starting Monday March 2, we will be losing more parking spots in the west lot. About 30 more spots will be lost so you need to be aware of this when coming to school. Also there will be no more drop off and pick up near the dumpsters leaving north wing. With that being said, the side door going out to the metal building will be reopened to leave and come in from. Understanding this is all inconvenient this will be worth it in the end. There are going to be so many advantages to this remodel, such as two new tornado shelters, a new gym, and a freshman center. They will also be remodeling the front of our school. The noise has started to get better as they have moved farther away from the building but it’s not perfect so beware of this when you are sitting in your classes. 

“They are working on the east safe room right now and the administrative offices out front. Those are set to be done mid August. So we should get the main drive back and the administrative offices at the start of school next year. What they are getting ready to do in the west parking lot, you have probably seen where they knocked the old SDC room, they have been trying to do what they call a demo in that space because that is where the freshman center is going to be. The fences are the safety areas to keep students and faculty out of the construction area. The fence goes up to the the building to where we have access to the north wing. But they are going to be working in this space so they are going to have to fence off the rest of that space so they can create that safe area. The March 2 date is what we were initially told but we found out yesterday that the day maybe pushed back a little bit. So it may not happen at that date but we will keep updating when that is confirmed.” Assistant Principal Jeff Prewitt siad.