Basketball Players Work On Team Bonding

Addyson Nolewajka

Ella McEntire

   The inaugural freshman basketball season proved to set a good foundation for the future of the program. While the Mavs came out with a 2-18 record, the team focused on the growth of relationships with teammates. Shooting guard Drew Hunter led the team in three-point shooting with a 35% three-point percentage. Center Jayden Webb and small forward Derrick Lacy put up five rebounds each game.

   “It was a huge honor to have the first freshman team at Southside. It was a different experience having freshmen here as opposed to the old set up. It was really special having kids from three different schools come together to play as one team,” coach Adam Lucas said.

   The Mavs played the Charleston Tigers at home to pick up their first win of the season with a score of 42-39. The team saw this game as a motivator for the remainder of the season. 

   “One of my favorite moments of the season was our first win against Charleston. It was a close game early in the year and the guys played really well to get our first win,” Lucas said.

   At the beginning of the season, the freshmen struggled to find a rhythm on the floor with their team. However, as the season progressed, the boys bonded with each other and came together to play their best.

   “At the start, we didn’t have much team chemistry. But throughout the season we started to get to know each other more and formed a family,” center Owen Brown said.

   On Dec. 6, the team picked up another big win over Mansfield at The Barn. The Mavs took down the Tigers with a fifteen point lead of 41-26. 

   “It was a fun experience. We executed the game plan and worked well as a team to get the win,” small forward Ben Williamson said.

   The boys wrapped up the season with a final game at home against Northside’s freshmen on Feb. 17. The game ended in a loss for the Mavs with a score of 25-45. Despite ending the season on a loss, the team was proud of their fight throughout the year.

   “I thought our team got better as the season went along. They really played hard every game and gave us a chance to win,” Lucas said.