Golf Season Approaches Ending at State

Elaina Haney, Head Video Director

     The Southside Golf season for the 2022-2023 school year went from summer to fall, with practices beginning in July, and the season ending in mid-October. Summer practices could become tough, with temperatures reaching over one hundred degrees by the end of practice. Being out in the summer heat can be tough, however, athletes are dedicated to their sports, and multiple measures are being taken to keep players safe.

     “Our trainers do a really good job of making sure we know how hot it is and how long we can practice depending on the temperature outside, and we also make sure you guys [the team] drink plenty of water and make sure you stay hydrated,” Head Coach Adam Lucas said.

     This year was also challenging for seniors, although it ended on a positive note. For seven seniors, Winning the Ryder Cup ended their final golf season positively. The celebratory day, while also bittersweet, will be a victorious memory for many. For both first-year freshman and seniors playing their last tournament, bringing the trophy home is the cherry on top of a great season. 

     “It felt pretty good, it felt like any other tournament just with less pressure. It felt like it was for me,” senior Isabelle Vann said. 

     Not only was this a significant accomplishment for the players, but for the coach as well. Finally winning after two years of loss felt great for everyone.

     “We’re rivals with them [Greenwood] and so far for us to lose the past two years and be able to beat them pretty bad, we dominated the Ryder Cup, it felt pretty good,” Lucas said. 

     Overall, the Ryder Cup positively put an end to the non-conference golf season, but state tournaments are still to come. The win is a great accomplishment and a great way for seniors to celebrate their last year. 

     Tryouts for the 2023-24 school year took place on Apr 13, 2023, at the Ben Geren Community Complex, from 5:00-6:00. Going out for a team can always be intimidating, but with golf being a difficult sport to master, it can be even more so. With a large group of seniors going off to college, there are spots available for both boys and girls to fill.

     “I don’t mind having a large group of numbers as long as we have kids that are serious about golf and can play,” Lucas said.

     For those trying to get a spot on the team, pressure and stress can go through the roof. It’s easy to strive for perfection, instead of focusing on bettering the little things, one at a time. Many practice relentlessly in the time-crunch before tryouts, and for months or years before that.

     “I’ve been trying to get out there every single day,” junior Peyton Yaffe said. 

     For girls’ golf, Oakley Allen, Alivia Martin, and Peyton Yaffe made the team. For boys’ golf, Owen Brown, Dallas Delassus, and Peyton Martin made the team. The 2023 Southside Golf season will start this fall.