The softball team is made up of many female Southside students. They played many games during their 2024 Spring Softball Season, which included beating Southside’s rival, Northside.
“I played third base and catcher. My position entailed a loud mouth as I always had to be talking and communicating with my team on how to be the most effective as I had a good view of the field almost always,” says senior Nadrah Aydi
“I’m a catcher and a center fielder for our softball team. As a catcher, I’m there to kind of let the fielders know where to make plays, help our pitchers out behind the plate, and try to make sure runners don’t advance in between pitches. As a center, my job is to track down anything in the outfield, attempt to keep the ball in front of me at all times, and back up the infield,” says senior Kylie Hass.
“My best game was the first Northside-Southside game of this season. It was my first time beating Northside and the team’s energy was super positive and loud. We all fed off of each other’s energy and I hit my first home run of the season so it was all around great,” says Hass. “My overall highlight would probably be my double against Northside that put us in the lead. Everyone was so proud of everyone,” says Aydi.
“We’re a fun group of competitive girls who don’t give up even when things don’t go the way we hope they would,” says Hass about something everyone should know about the Southside Softball team.
“Our team’s biggest strength is probably our ability to push past our struggles and make an effort,” says Aydi.
“I love my relationship with all of the girls. Most of these girls I’ve known or played with since I was a little kid and it’s been great to grow up with them and get to know them even more throughout high school,” says Hass
“Softball has been my life for years. It’s been what I’ve done and kind of based my life around since I was a kid. I grew up with it and with these girls and would be totally different person without it,” says Hass.
As the season comes to an end, the girls continue to play diligently and prepare to say goodbye to the seniors. The Southside Softball Team will continue to see success in the 2025 Spring Softball Season and all future seasons.