Magazines exist as a popular form of tabloid news and updates in pop culture, however they are quickly losing their popularity. From the growth of technology and the backlash from body positivity movements, magazine culture is in jeopardy.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a rise in the use of technology. With many publications forced to publish all work digitally, readers became accustomed to the convenience of technology. They were able to receive any type of news with the click of a button. They no longer had to flip through pages of information and could instead find exactly what they needed. While some companies are prepared to switch back to their former physical copies, others are not and neither are their readers.
Aside from the growth of technology, magazine culture itself has become somewhat of a controversy. Magazines traditionally feature models of almost unattainable features. Not only are magazines extremely selective in who is featured, but they can alter the women to look thinner, have clearer skin, silkier hair, and more. This has not only led to pushback from body positive movements, but a general avoidance of magazines from women who did not want to compare themselves to the models featured.
No matter the issue, it is undeniable that magazine culture and magazine sells as a whole are on the decline. The total number of magazine readers decreased 38.56% from 2019 to 2022 and continues to. It is unclear if magazines can pivot and bounce back, or whether they will slowly fade from existence.