Sonic the Hedgehog 3 continues the story of Sonic and his friends. They come together to fight the new hedgehog, Shadow, who is a mysterious no enemy with powers that they have never faced before. When they realize they can’t unmatch his power, they go and look for backup.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is worth the watch for anyone who is a fan of the games. The movie is full of actors you can recognize if you look hard enough, like James Marsden and Jim Carrey, who are the most recognizable. But, they then brought in Keauan Reeves to voice Shadow the Hedgehog, which was the perfect choice. He captures Shadow so well, and I’m sure they’ll bring him back for a fourth movie. All the actors and voice actors are amazing for their characters and how they capture them. They truly show how much the actions made by others can affect the CGI aliens they have to interact with.
I think the best part of this movie was Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow has such a deep backstory and character that I think they captured very well when showing his heartbreaking backstory. Shadow also had an ending like Knuckles had in the second movie, which was fighting Sonic and others before he teamed up with them to save the world for Gerald Robotnik.
Sonic 3 was definitely the best one out of the trilogy, and I hope we get a fourth one after all the fame the third one is receiving at the moment. The cast and crew have even said they want to make more movies and come back for them, even Jim Carrey, who has stated he wants to retire but only comes back for scripts that are “written in gold ink.” So, hopefully, we’ll get more than we expect.