Spirit Reborn
October 11, 2018
Principal Lisa Miller keeps promises. The revival of the class competitions and the spirit stick raises one question, can the spirit flow all year?
Starting with a promise of a longer lunch, the student section grows exponentially to support the volleyball team. The largest and most spirited class receives an extended lunch the next day for showing up to a volleyball game. Challenge accepted.
Football student section came alive with students spanning from the front to back, cheers of “Mavericks, Mavericks,” fill the stadium. Despite the team’s loss, The night was a win for Southside’s regained spirit.
Student section remains prominent throughout the games. Away games such as the Roger’s Heritage game proved a nice student attendance to support the team.
Hushed whispers that spirit, once lost to a mascot change returned. While students create new traditions, such as “Mavericks sweep the floor” and the rebirth of student section name, “Fat Gold Chain.” Marshall the Maverick, becomes the new image of the school to help make the student section enthusiastic
Seniors won the first class spirit stick; however, students must remain positive and spirited to support the school. From sweeping the floor in the school gym to losing voices under Friday night lights, the student body can only decide if they want to keep the momentum rolling.