Congressman Visits Campus
Congressman Womack speaks in front of students during his visit on Feb. 15.
Yesterday, Congressman Steve Womack visited campus to tour the new improvements reveleved first semester. While on campus Womack spoke to current events and government and politics classes about his job as a representative.
“I learned that Womack is very big on pushing leadership in the youth. He took every opportunity he could to encourage the students around him into taking roles of leadership in life. He also said that ‘votes in Congress to the side he could come back to the people he votes for and explain why he voted how he did’ which was very respectable,” Student Council president Braxton Waller said.
Student leaders guided Womack, throughout the new arena, commons area, and freshman center. They highlighted the learning stairs added for teachers to have a new atmosphere for classes and give the students the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom.
“Through visiting with Congressman Womack, I learned what a challenge coin was. He gave us a coin with the US crest on it. He really pushed out to me and my group to lead by example and to lead in front. He had us remember to always remember the morals or courage, duty, honor, and service. I got to assist him in touring the building and got to talk about the freshman center and all the cool aspects of it. Overall, it was a great opportunity to get to be in the presence of a leader and some of his morals and thoughts,” Freshman Council president Jayden Tran said.
Womack spoke at the freshman learning stairs and held a question and answer session. Students during their flex period joined his discussion and presented questions regarding Congress.
“One thing that really stood out to me was how in depth he explained the Voting rights bill- the Freedom to vote. He voted no in this and his explanation made it very easy to understand why this did not need to be passed. It would disrupt what the founding fathers had put down as a priority in America, and a big part of that was the control of the states with voting,” senior Toree Tiffee said.
Current events and AP GOPO teachers encouraged their students to sit in on Womack’s workshop. Students were then able to have a real congressman’s thoughts on what they had been learning in class.
“In current events class we had been discussing the Voting Rights Bill (John L. Lewis Bill) and Build Back Better, a program of infrastructure that President Biden has been pushing. Congressman Womack had voted ‘NO’ on both of these bills. My students wanted to know what specific part or parts he was against. Ellie Bunnell asked about the Voting Rights Bill and when my students returned to class an overwhelming amount in both classes were pleased with his reasoning. He referred to the Constitution on voting that it relied on the states therefore he believes that is where it should stay,” current events teacher Kristi Waller said.
Womack knew that the campus had its reopening and was curious to see the new additions and renovations. While speaking with students Womack conveyed his message to follow through with an education.
“Get a good education, in America we have the unique opportunity to get a free public education. Our schools do a wonderful job on preparing our students for a higher education. Make your immediate goal to have really good life experiences,” Womack said.

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